In the enchanting landscapes of the United Kingdom, the summer months offer a myriad of outdoor activities, from hiking in the picturesque Lake District to camping in charming corners.
However, amid the natural beauty, there lurks a tiny menace: midges. These pesky insects have a knack for targeting some of our favorite destinations. To shed light on this issue, we turn to Professor James at Logan, an esteemed expert on entomology.
Professor James explains that the current time of the year is particularly favorable for midge activity. With the warm weather and a hint of moisture in the air, these tiny creatures thrive. While other insects tend to dry out and retreat under the scorching sun, midges revel in the overcast and humid conditions, making them prevalent in regions like Scotland, known for its typically wet climate.
Midges, unlike mosquitoes, have unique feeding habits. They possess scissor-like mouthparts that cut into the skin, forming a small pool of blood, from which they drink. As a result, their bites are immediately felt as a sharp nip, unlike the delayed sensation caused by mosquitoes. Professor James emphasizes that midges are not solitary offenders—they come in swarms, bringing their unwelcome baggage along.
To comprehend the scale of this issue, studies conducted in Scotland indicate that a staggering 40,000 midges can land on a single arm within an hour. The severity of their bites is not to be taken lightly. Their persistent presence can lead to an onslaught of bites all over the body, even infiltrating clothing and creating a truly distressing experience for victims.
While some individuals seem to be more prone to midge bites, similar to mosquitoes, it all comes down to personal scent. Those who emit scents that are repellent to midges are less likely to be targeted.
Unfortunately, there is no magic solution like gin and tonic or vitamin B to ward off these insects. Professor James advises using repellents containing active ingredients such as DEET, PMD (lemon eucalyptus), picaridin, or IR3535. Applying these repellents to exposed skin acts as a barrier, deterring midges from biting. It is essential to reapply the repellent regularly, akin to using sunscreen, to ensure continuous protection.
In conclusion, while enjoying the UK’s splendid summer, it is crucial to be prepared for the midge onslaught.
Understanding their preferred conditions and employing effective preventive measures can make all the difference between a delightful outdoor experience and being relentlessly feasted upon. So, arm yourself with the right knowledge and the appropriate repellents to savor the beauty of the British summer while keeping those troublesome midges at bay.