
Keir Starmer’s Next Move Could Change Britain Forever – And He’ll Say It’s ‘For Your Own Good’”

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Flu cases are going up fast, the weather is freezing, and Labour is now in charge of the government. This combination has brought back strict Covid-style rules in hospitals, including forcing visitors to wear masks even if they are completely healthy. As flu cases continue to rise this winter, we can expect even more restrictions like these.

During the Covid pandemic, some people suggested that if we used masks and social distancing to fight one dangerous virus, we should do the same for the flu every winter. After all, flu has always caused thousands of deaths, sometimes as many as 20,000 in a single year.

The original point was to show how over-the-top these rules were, but some people actually thought it was a good idea. Now, with Labour in charge, rising flu cases, and mask rules returning, those people seem to be getting what they wanted. Masks might just be the start—rules like the “rule of six” or even mandatory vaccines could follow soon.

The problem is, masks don’t do much, if anything, to stop the spread of viruses. Before 2020, even in bad flu seasons, no one ever thought of forcing healthy hospital visitors to wear masks. Back then, such ideas belonged in science-fiction books. But now, we’re back to the same panic-driven thinking: “Something must be done!”

This time, though, the decisions aren’t being made by Boris Johnson, who often felt pressured into making these rules despite his natural instincts. Now it’s Keir Starmer leading the government. During Covid, Starmer pushed for tougher, longer restrictions every time and often called any easing of rules “reckless.”

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The truth is, the people in charge know that masks don’t make a big difference. The real reason we keep having winter flu crises isn’t about masks or rules—it’s about a lack of hospital beds. Since 2000, the UK’s population has grown by about 10 million, but the number of hospital beds has been cut in half. That’s the real issue. If the UK had as many hospital beds per person as Germany (which has nearly four times as many), we wouldn’t have these problems every winter.

Our incredible doctors and nurses always manage to get through flu season, even under massive pressure and without much help from politicians.

They deserve all the credit. But instead of fixing the root problems—like building more hospitals or managing population growth—politicians find it easier to bring back restrictions like mask-wearing. Once these rules are introduced, it becomes easier and easier to impose them again and again.

So, don’t be surprised if calls for masks get louder, or if new restrictions are added. This approach is much simpler for the government than dealing with bigger challenges like improving the healthcare system or ensuring it can handle a growing population. Unfortunately, it seems that freedom-destroying measures are becoming the go-to solution, rather than addressing the real problems.

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  1. Of course people are getting bad attacks of flu, many pensioners like me don’t put their heating on because you took away the winter fuel payment, but that is what he wants many more pensioners will die this year because of his policies but immigrants will be okay

  2. This country is going to the dogs or should I say immigrants , most who are criminals. Even in my small town it is full of crime , drugs and money laundering.
    Something must be done before it is to late.
    Government has not a clue and no bottle to do the job . Best they all get out before they finish the country all together.

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