British man warned tourists heading to Ibiza after a spider bite caused him to need parts of his fingers amputated (Video)

A British man has warned tourists heading to Ibiza after a spider bite caused him to need parts of his fingers amputated.
Tom Bush, from Merthyr Tydfil, was enjoying his summer with friends in San Antonio. However, his dream vacation ended on July 1, 2021. It was a typical evening with Tom and his friends watching the sunset near Cafe Mambo.
“I think I had my hand on the rocks and felt a little prick, nothing major,” Tom told The Mirror. “I then went out for a few more drinks and was in bed by 11pm.” Overnight, the small prick turned serious. Tom woke up in severe pain.
“I woke up at 4am and it felt like my hand was on fire. My hand was swollen and blue. My friends and I were panicked and went to the pharmacist as soon as it opened. They said I needed to go to the hospital immediately. They didn’t know what was happening because it’s so rare. They wanted to save as much of my hand as possible.”
Though rare, tourists have suffered severe reactions from spider bites in Spain. Last month, a French tourist had a serious reaction to a spider bite that caused an allergic reaction. Diario de Ibiza reported her leg became red and swollen, and she needed antibiotics after getting a fever.
“The tips of my three fingers turned black and necrotic. They wanted to avoid surgery as long as possible,” Tom said. “For the next two to three months, nurses visited to ensure it wasn’t infected. One fingertip fell off by itself, which they expected, then I had surgery to remove the end. I was left with two stumps down to the first joint and a small pinky.”

Despite his experience, Tom hopes tourists still visit the island. He advised them to take precautions and see a doctor if they feel something is wrong.
“I don’t want to discourage anyone from going,” he told The Mirror. “It’s an amazing island. Make sure you have good healthcare insurance and go to the hospital if something feels wrong. If I had waited longer, I might have lost more of my hand.”

According to, there are six types of venomous spiders in Spain, but the main ones to watch for are the Black Widow and Recluse. Spider bites in Spain are rare, and no one has died from one.
“Allan Bossel from told The Mirror, ‘When traveling, be aware of natural hazards, including venomous spiders. I take certain precautions to avoid bites or stings. Spiders follow prey, so if you see bugs, spiders could be around. An elevated bed reduces the risk of bites. Check your shoes before putting them on, and keep your space clean to avoid attracting insects and spiders.’”

“Bossel added, ‘Bulky furniture and clutter are perfect for insects. A hard-to-clean room likely hasn’t been cleaned well. In our business, we see that a clean space is a safe space. Be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to what locals do. Being cautious and maintaining a clean space is the best strategy to keep spiders away while traveling.’”
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