Eggs are a popular food in the UK, used in both savory and sweet dishes. However, opinions on how to store them vary widely.
In fact, even a seemingly innocuous statement such as referring to eggs as a “fridge staple” can spark heated debate. This was the case when we published a story yesterday referring to eggs in this way, as many of our readers responded to say that eggs should not be stored in the fridge.

When it comes to storing eggs, people often wonder whether they should be kept in the fridge or not. The answer to this question depends on the country you live in. In the UK, hens are vaccinated against salmonella, and any egg with the British Lion mark means that it has been laid by hens vaccinated against salmonella.
This makes it safer to eat eggs in the UK, even if they are undercooked or soft boiled. If your kitchen temperature is below 20°C, it is safe to store eggs outside the fridge. However, experts still recommend storing eggs in the fridge, but taking them out 30 minutes before cooking.
According to Lion Mark’s Egg Info, the best place to store eggs in domestic kitchens is the fridge. This maintains freshness and quality and keeps eggs at a constant temperature below 20°C. To avoid any issues with cooking that could be caused by a sudden change in temperature, it is best to take the eggs out of the fridge half an hour before cooking. People who are not vulnerable to infection can eat raw or lightly cooked UK hen eggs without experiencing food poisoning.
Some people argue against storing eggs in the fridge. One letter writer to the Guardian claimed that egg refrigeration was unnecessary, as cracking a cold egg into a frying pan would only result in a yolk that is blood warm. This could be harmful if the yolks are contaminated by salmonella. Others say that refrigeration can make eggs more difficult to cook, as they need to be at room temperature to cook correctly.
The consensus seems to be that eggs should be stored in the fridge in an egg separator. It is best to take them out of the fridge 30 minutes before cooking to avoid any issues with cooking. Store eggs in a cool, dry place away from other foods, and use your fridge’s egg tray if you have one.
Observe the best before date on the egg, and store away from strong-smelling food and raw meat. Wash your hands before and after handling eggs, and eat dishes containing eggs as soon as possible after preparing them. If you are not planning to eat them straight away, cool them quickly and then keep them in the fridge and eat within two days.