Woman Died After ‘Security Guard At One Of the Biggest Hospitals Posed as Doctor And Did This to Her Back

An elderly lady named Shamema hurt her back and needed an operation. Her family took her to a big hospital in Pakistan.

There, they met a man named Waheed who said he was a doctor and could help. Shamema’s family trusted him, so they paid him to do the surgery and also for some care afterward at home. But after the operation, Shamema’s wound got worse, and she started bleeding a lot. Her family rushed her back to the hospital and asked for the doctor named Waheed.
Surprisingly, the hospital staff said they didn’t have a doctor by that name. They discovered that Waheed was not really a doctor; he used to work as a security guard at the hospital. Even more concerning, it turned out that Waheed had pretended to be a doctor before and had visited other sick people at their homes to take their money.
The hospital had fired him a couple of years ago because of this. The hospital explained that it was tough for them to keep track of everything everyone did because the hospital was quite big. The police arrested Waheed for what he did, and another hospital worker who helped him got suspended.
Sadly, Shamema passed away two weeks after the surgery. What’s even more troubling is that the hospital still doesn’t know what kind of surgery Waheed performed on her.
This situation shows how important it is to make sure that real doctors are taking care of patients in hospitals and that there’s good supervision to keep everyone safe.