The look on his face sure did say everything that he was thinking and perhaps even feeling that moment, too. There’s strong speculation on social media that suggests all might not be well between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in their marriage.

While the Duchess of Sussex would like everyone to think that they are happy behind closed doors, many people believe that the look that Prince Harry carries on his face tells a different story.
In fact, many people couldn’t help but notice just how miserable he looked with his wife Meghan while they were on their tour of Nigeria. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.
Royal Divorce: Miserable Prince Harry Snubbed Meghan Markle In Nigeria
Is Prince Harry really that miserable in his marriage? Is he looking to get a divorce? That’s what a lot of royal fans and critics alike can’t help but wonder.
In every photo that Harry and Meghan were in together in Nigeria, the Duchess of Sussex had a smile that was from ear to ear. But the look on Prince Harry’s face told a totally different story. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but with his wife, prompting a lot of people to wonder if he is truly as happy as Meghan wants the world to think they are.
For Meghan Marke, she knows that image is everything and that she always has to put her best foot forward whenever she’s in public with her husband. But for Harry, it looks like the gig is up. He just can’t hide his true feelings anymore.
Royal Divorce: What’s Next For Harry And Meghan?
It’s been long suggested that Prince Harry has one foot out the door and that he wants to move back to the UK. But the only thing holding him back is Meghan, and of course their two children in California. So far the prince has not made any comments about the matter but time will certainly tell if he will be ready to pull the plug on his marriage to Meghan Markle.
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