Scientists Installed a Camera in the Coffin. What they Saw during The Observation Process Stunned

Few people were standing by the open casket. Only a handful of people showed up to the funeral. The fingers of two hands would be enough to count them all.
Standing nearby in a nearby parking lot, two guys seemed eager to bid farewell to the deceased. When the last person left the cemetery, they got out of the car. The deceased’s brother hardly announced that everything was ready to go to the house for the celebration. Then he invited everyone to a funeral dinner.

Some women insisted that you have to wait until the coffin is lowered into the grave to throw a handful of dirt. They told John, the man who was sobbing and restless on the spot. He didn’t want people to see that he had agreed to participate in some experiment. It was indecent to drive everyone out of the cemetery, and he would have to explain what two young men would do now with the coffin.
It was simple; their task was to install a camera inside the deceased’s coffin. John was uncomfortable telling people that he had decided to make money off his dead sister, so he remained silent about the monetary reward. The young scientists who installed the camera explained that this was a….Read Full Story Here……..