A woman’s harrowing ordeal at the Medway Maritime Hospital in Gillingham has brought to light a distressing incident where she claims a nurse ignored her heart monitor displaying irregularities, as reported by BBC News on September 2023.
Ava Stanley, 63, from Higham, Kent, was admitted to the hospital last month due to chest pains. What unfolded during her stay left her in fear for her life.

Mrs. Stanley recounted her terrifying experience, stating that she resorted to calling 999 from her hospital bed to compel the nurses to take immediate action. She expressed, “I actually called 999 from my bed because I really thought that I was going to die and I might not make it.”
According to Mrs. Stanley, her heart’s rhythm began to falter and eventually dropped to zero, prompting the heart monitor’s alarm to sound. Shockingly, this occurred not once but four times within a 40-minute timeframe, and each time, she claims, “the alarm was ignored.”
Following her desperate 999 call, Mrs. Stanley was swiftly transported to the cardiac ward for further examinations. She was discharged just last week, but she firmly believes that the nurses should have exercised greater caution and refrained from silencing the heart monitor.
In response to the distressing incident, Jayne Black, Chief Executive at Medway NHS Foundation Trust, issued an apology, stating, “We are very sorry if Ms. Stanley feels the standard of care given during her visit was not to the high level that we would expect, and we apologize for any distress that may have been caused.”
Ms. Black further assured that the trust is taking the matter seriously and initiating an investigation into the incident. She pledged to maintain close communication with Mrs. Stanley throughout the investigation and to promptly share the findings with her.
This incident has sparked concern and questions regarding patient safety and the standard of care in hospitals. Hospitals are expected to provide the highest level of care, especially when a patient’s life may be at risk due to health complications.
Mrs. Stanley’s ordeal has attracted attention not only from the medical community but also from the public at large. Many are expressing support for her and hoping that her experience will lead to improved protocols and heightened vigilance in hospitals to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.
Mrs. Stanley is scheduled for a further meeting with the Medway NHS Foundation Trust next month. Her case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilant and responsive healthcare professionals who can make life-and-death differences in critical situations.
Patients entrust their lives to healthcare institutions, and it is imperative that this trust is honored with the highest level of care and attention to their well-being